pro mideshift_xy,wavelength,flux,xmin,ymin,sigmax,npoints=npoints,order=order,$ interp=interp,minabs=minabs,noisy=noisy,noplot=noplot,tpb=tpb ;+ ; Measuring the wavelength of the center of a line. ; ; ; IN: wavelength - dblarr - wavelengths (angstroms); absolute values ; flux - fltarr - fluxes ; ; OUT: xmin - double - wavelength of the line bottom ; ymin - double - flux at xmin ; sigmax - double - sigma associated with the measurement of xmin ; ; ; KEYWORDS: npoints- number of pixels around the minimum to enter the fit. ; (default: 7) It has to be an even number. ; order - order of the polynomial (defult: 3 = third order) ; interp - when on, we use a spline interpolation to improve sampling ; (step= 0.005 A) ; minabs - min. central absorption of a line in order to be considered ; (default: 0.98) ; noisy - if set, we measure line shifts of lines with irregular ; shapes close to the line center. Otherwise, we don't. ; noplot - when set, it does not produce any plot ; tpb - two-point-bisector tecnique (Hamilton & Lester 1999) ; ; NOTE: when the measurement cannot be performed, -1000 is return in xmin,ymin ; and sigmax ; ; C. Allende Prieto, UT, 1999 ; C. Allende Prieto, UT, 2001 included spline interp. to improve sampling ; C. Allende Prieto, UT, 2001 more rigorous determination of error in lambda ; implementation of 'security' checks ; C. Allende Prieto, UT, 2006 fixed a bug in the determination of the error ; and added a 2nd error estimate, the average of ; the two is kept as tests indicate it is more robust ; than either method alone. ;- npar = n_params() if (npar eq 0) then begin print,'mideshift_xy,x,y,xmin,ymin,lsig' return endif step=wavelength(1)-wavelength(0) keepwavelength=wavelength & keepflux=flux if keyword_set(interp) then begin ; spline interp. to improve sampling ;if(step gt 5e-3) then begin step=5e-3 nns=floor((max(wavelength)-min(wavelength))/step) nwavelength=findgen(nns)*step+min(wavelength) ;endif ;nflux=spline(wavelength,flux,nwavelength) nflux=interpol(flux,wavelength,nwavelength,/spline) wavelength=nwavelength & flux=nflux endif if not keyword_set(npoints) then npoints=7 if not keyword_set(order) then order=3 if not keyword_set(minabs) then minabs=0.98 if not keyword_set(noisy) then begin noisy=0 endif else begin noisy=100 endelse nhalf=(npoints-1)/2 data=wavelength(min(where(flux eq min(flux)))) big=size(flux) pixelmin=fix(min(where(flux eq min(flux)))) ; we request at least nhalf points each side of the minimum ; a consistant slope for each group of nhalf points on each side ; (unless /noisy is set) ; a significant absorption to exist (minabs of the continuum level) cool=1 if (pixelmin+nhalf gt big(1)-1 or pixelmin-nhalf lt 0 or $ min(flux) gt minabs) then begin cool=0 endif else begin if(max(deriv(flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin-1))) gt noisy or $ min(deriv(flux(pixelmin+1:pixelmin+nhalf))) lt -noisy) then cool=0 endelse if (cool eq 0) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif else begin if keyword_set(tpb) then begin ; 2pd if first_blue=0.5*(wavelength(pixelmin-1)+$ interpol(wavelength(pixelmin:n_elements(wavelength)-1),$ flux(pixelmin:n_elements(wavelength)-1),flux(pixelmin-1))) first_red=0.5*(wavelength(pixelmin+1)+$ interpol(wavelength(0:pixelmin),$ flux(0:pixelmin),flux(pixelmin+1))) xmin=mean([first_blue,first_red]) sigmax=0. ; unknown ymin=flux(pixelmin); approximately endif else begin coef=poly_fit(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),$ flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf),order,p1,p2,sigmay,p4) ; old style for getting the minimum and sigma ;ran=3*step; ;xgrid=dindgen(ran/0.000001)*0.000001+wavelength(pixelmin-1)-data(0) ;ygrid=coef(0)+coef(1)*xgrid+coef(2)*xgrid^2+coef(3)*xgrid^3;+coef(4)*xgrid^4 ;xmin=xgrid(where(ygrid eq min(ygrid)))+data(0) ;ymin=min(ygrid(where(ygrid eq min(ygrid)))) ;New error estimate; Carlos UT Feb 2001 ;P(x)=sum(i=1,2,3) A(i) X**i ; sigma^2(x)=sigma^2(P) / (sum[i=1,2,3] A^2(i) i^2 x^(2*(i-1))) ;ii=transpose(findgen(n_elements(coef))) ;sigmax=sigmay/sqrt(total((coef*ii*(xmin(0)-data(0))^((ii-1)))^2)) ;New estimate of minimum (derivative of the polynomial=0) and error ; Carlos UT Sep 2001 derivativecoef=shift(coef,-1) derivativecoef=derivativecoef(0:n_elements(coef)-2)*$ (findgen(n_elements(coef)-1)+1) if order eq 3 then begin roots=[(-coef(2)+sqrt(coef(2)^2-3.*coef(3)*coef(1)))/3./coef(3),$ (-coef(2)-sqrt(coef(2)^2-3.*coef(3)*coef(1)))/3./coef(3)]; I'll doit analitically for order=2 if (max(where(imaginary(roots) eq 0)) eq -1) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: Complex roots! I quit!' print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif if (max(where(finite(roots))) eq -1) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: Not finite roots! I quit!' print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif endif else begin roots=fz_roots(derivativecoef,/double) ; this one get's them numerically if (max(where(imaginary(roots) eq 0)) eq -1) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: Complex roots! I quit!' print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif if (max(where(finite(roots))) eq -1) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: Not finite roots! I quit!' print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif roots=double(roots) endelse xmin=roots(where(min(abs(roots)) eq abs(roots)))+data(0) ymin=poly(xmin-data(0),coef) ;now error bars, two ways: ;1) sigma(x) directly from the rms scatter in the x axis -> sigmax ;2) 1./sigma(x_i)^2 = sum_i (1./sigma(y_i)^2) (@y_i/@x_i)^2 -> sigmax2 ; then we keep the mean of the two in sigmax xfit=dblarr(npoints) for i=0,npoints-1 do begin obs=flux(pixelmin-nhalf+i) if (flux(pixelmin-nhalf+i) lt ymin(0)) then begin ; if the observation is lower than the minimum of the line obs=obs+2.*(ymin-flux(pixelmin-nhalf+i)) endif coef2=coef coef2[0]=coef2[0]-obs[0] roots=fz_roots(transpose(coef2),/double) ;plot,wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),$ ;flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf) ;oplot,wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),$ ; poly(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),coef),$ ; col=140,thick=2 ;stop if (max(where(imaginary(roots) eq 0)) eq -1) then begin print,'% mideshift_xy: Complex roots! I quit!' print,'% mideshift_xy: measurement failure' xmin=-1000 ymin=-1000 sigmax=-1000 sigmay=-1000 wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength,flux,psym=2,title=data(0),charsize=1.7 endif return endif roots=double(roots(where(imaginary(roots) eq 0))) xfit(i)=roots(where(abs(roots-wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf+i)+data(0)) eq $ min(abs(roots-wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf+i)+data(0))))) ;print,roots ;print,'pick:',xfit(i),' ref=',wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf+i)-data(0) endfor sigmax=stdev(xfit-wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0)) ydiff=poly(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),coef)-$ flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf) xmin=xmin(0) ymin=ymin(0) sigmax=sigmax(0)/sqrt(npoints*1.) sigmax2=poly(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),derivativecoef) sigmax2=total(1.d0/ydiff^2*sigmax2^2) sigmax2=1./sqrt(sigmax2) ;print,sigmax,sigmax2,(sigmax+sigmax2)/2.0 sigmax=(sigmax+sigmax2)/2.0d0 endelse; 2pd if if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plot,wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),$ flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf),psy=8,$ yr=[min(flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf))*0.98,$ max(flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf))*1.02],$ xr=[min(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf))-data(0)-0.01,$ max(wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf))-data(0)+0.01],$ xstyle=1,ystyle=1,thick=2,charsize=2.,/nodata,$ title=string(xmin,format='(f10.4)') plotsym,0,2,/fill oplot,wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf)-data(0),$ flux(pixelmin-nhalf:pixelmin+nhalf),psy=8 ran=10*step xgrid=dindgen(ran/0.0001)*0.001+wavelength(pixelmin-nhalf)-data(0) if not keyword_set(tpb) then begin oplot,xgrid,poly(xgrid,coef),thick=2 oplot,[xmin-data(0),xmin-data(0)],[ymin-sigmay,ymin+sigmay] endif xx=[xmin-data(0),xmin-data(0)] yy=[0,1] oplot,xx,yy oplot,[xmin-data(0)-sigmax,xmin-data(0)+sigmax],[ymin,ymin],thick=2 endif xx=[xmin,xmin] yy=[0,1] ; get the input wave.-flux vectors back wavelength=keepwavelength & flux=keepflux endelse end