pro get_amrv,t,err_t,lg,err_lg,feh,err_feh,logt_in,logg_in,logr_in,vmag_in,a,m,rad,Mv,boundarytouch=boundarytouch,noplot=noplot ;+ ; Using a grid from Bertelli's isochrones, we input observed ; Teff, gravity, and [Fe/H] [t= Teff, lg= alog10(g); cgs units] ; and we find out which values of a (age, m (mass), rad (radius) ; and vmag (absolute magnitude) ; are compatible for a star with the observed values. ; ; IN: t - float Teff (K) ; err_t - float Uncertainty in Teff (K) ; lg - float logg (g in cm -s^2) ; err_lg- float Uncertainty in logg ; feh - float [Fe/H] = alog10(NFe/NH)-alog10(NFe/NH)_sun ; err_feh- float Uncertainty in [Fe/H] (must be at least 0.25 dex) ; logt_in- fltarr(17,73,1800) log10(Teff) as a function of [Fe/H], ; log(age[ayr]), Mass/Msun (see below) ; logg_in- fltarr(17,73,1800) log10(g) as a function of [Fe/H], ; log(age[ayr]), Mass/Msun (see below) ; logr_in- fltarr(17,73,1800) log10(radius) as a function of [Fe/H], ; log(age[ayr]), Mass/Msun (see below) ; vmag_in- fltarr(17,73,1800) Mv as a function of [Fe/H], ; log(age[ayr]), Mass/Msun (see below) ; ; OUT: a - fltarr(3) three-elements vector with an estimate ; of log(Age[yr]), flanked by a lower an upper ; limits ([lowerage,age,upperage]). ; m - fltarr(3) three-elements vector with an estimate ; of the mass (initial - at birth), flanked by a lower ; an upper limits ([lowermass,mass,uppermass]). ; rad- fltarr(3) three-elements vector with an estimate ; of log10(radius), flanked by a lower an upper ; limits ([lowerrad,rad,upperrad]). ; ; Mv-flatrr(3) three-elements vector with an estimate ; of Mv , flanked by a lower an upper ; limits ([lowerMv,Mv,upperMv]). ; ; ; KEYWORDS: boundarytouch This keyword returns a non-zero value when ; retrieved parameters gets solutions that touch the grid ; boundaries - an indication that the solution is likely biased. ; ; ; NOTE: logt and loggg are the grids read from the file 'bert.xdr' ; computed with the routine (restore,'bert.xdr') ; ; Example, the Sun: IDL> restore,'bert.xdr' ; IDL> get_amrv,5770.,150,4.44,0.1,0.0,0.25,logt,logg,logr,vmag,a,m,r ; IDL>print,a ; -100000. 7.60000 9.29851 -> so, all we can say it's ; likely younger than 2.0 Gyr ; IDL>print,m ; 0.701428 1.08546 1.46949 -> so it's M=1.1 +/- 0.4 Msun ; ; Carlos Allende Prieto, Sep/Dec 2002 ;- npar = n_params() if (npar eq 0) then begin print,'get_amrv,t,err_t,lg,err_lg,feh,err_feh,LOGT,LOGG,LOGR,VMAG,a,m,r,Mv' return endif logt=logt_in & logg=logg_in & logr=logr_in & vmag=vmag_in lterr=float(err_t)/float(t)*alog10(exp(1)) ; errorbars lgerr=float(err_lg) feherr=float(err_feh) if (err_feh lt 0.25) then begin feherr=0.25 print,'% GET_RAM: err_feh set to 0.25 dex in order to get mininum sampling' endif m_uniform=findgen(600)*0.006+0.6 la_uniform=findgen(73)*0.05+6.6 lz_uniform=findgen(17)*0.125-1.65 metallica=where(abs(lz_uniform-feh) le feherr) if (max(metallica) eq -1) then begin metallica=where(abs(lz_uniform-feh) eq min(abs(lz_uniform-feh))) endif logt=logt(metallica,*,*) logg=logg(metallica,*,*) logr=logr(metallica,*,*) vmag=vmag(metallica,*,*) w=where((logt-alog10(t))^2/(3*lterr)^2+(logg-lg)^2/(3*lgerr)^2 le 1.0) if (n_elements(w) lt 10) then begin a=[-1000,-1000,-1000] m=[-1000,-1000,-1000] rad=[-1000,-1000,-1000] mv=[-1000,-1000,-1000] print,'% GET_AM: Insufficient (< 10) solutions found' return endif else begin if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin window,0 !p.multi=[0,0,0] plot,logt(0,0,*),logg(0,0,*),xr=[4.4,3.5],yr=[5.0,1.0],xstyl=1,ystyl=1,/nodata,$ xtitle='log Teff (K)',ytitle='logg (cm s-2)',charsi=1.5 print,'% GET_ZAM:',n_elements(w),' solutions found' plotsym,3,3,/fill & loadct,12 plots,alog10(t),lg,psy=8,col=40 endif aco=0 & zco=0 & mco=0 & peso=0 for i=0l,n_elements(w)-1 do begin donde,logt,w(i),coor zco=[zco,coor(0)] & aco=[aco,coor(1)] & mco=[mco,coor(2)] peso=[peso,$ ;(lterr/(logt(w(i))-alog10(t)))^2+(lgerr/(logg(w(i))-lg))^2] exp(-((logt(w(i))-alog10(t))/sqrt(2.)/lterr)^2 - $ ((logg(w(i))-lg)/sqrt(2.)/lgerr)^2)] if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin plots,logt(coor(0),coor(1),coor(2)),logg(coor(0),coor(1),coor(2)),psy=3 endif ;print,n_elements(w),i endfor z=lz_uniform(zco(1:n_elements(zco)-1)) a=la_uniform(aco(1:n_elements(aco)-1)) m=m_uniform(mco(1:n_elements(mco)-1)) rad=logr(w) Mv=vmag(w) peso=peso(1:n_elements(peso)-1) ; normalizamos los pesos peso=peso/total(peso) if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin window,6 !p.multi=[0,2,2] ppl=1 endif else ppl=0 estimator_simple,a,peso,e,lower,upper,plot=ppl & a=[lower,e,upper] ;stop estimator_simple,m,peso,e,lower,upper,plot=ppl & m=[lower,e,upper] ;stop estimator_simple,rad,peso,e,lower,upper,plot=ppl & rad=[lower,e,upper] ;stop estimator_simple,Mv,peso,e,lower,upper,plot=ppl & Mv=[lower,e,upper] ;stop boundarytouch=0 if (max(where(z eq max(lz_uniform) or z eq min(lz_uniform))) gt -1) then begin print,'% GET_AMR: the retrieved Zs touch the grid boundaries' boundarytouch=1 endif if (max(where(a eq max(la_uniform) or a eq min(la_uniform))) gt -1) then begin print,'% GET_AMR: the retrieved Ages touch the grid boundaries' boundarytouch=2 endif if (max(where(m eq max(m_uniform) or m eq min(m_uniform))) gt -1) then begin print,'% GET_AMR: the retrieved Masses touch the grid boundaries' boundarytouch=3 endif endelse end